The President of the United States of America enacted major banking regulations and tax evasion legislation which was past through Congress on Capitol Hill which supported the social and economic fabric of the western democratic capitalist systems which to date have been inflicting substantial hardship on law abiding citizens of the United States of America and the United Kingdom. The Carroll Trust National Security Public Interests Case is the = Flag Ship Route Map = to a more socially responsible society.

NSA Fort Meade NSA Carroll County LIVE FEEDS
The FBI Washington DC field office continue to retain "in custody" compelling specimen exhibits of the forged and falsified State of Delaware "registered" Carroll Anglo-American Corporation Trust which are = linked = to tax haven Gibraltar British Virgin Islands and Bahamas offshore = numbered bank accounts = that effectively impulsed the criminal liquidation and embezzlement of over one billion dollars of Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust worldwide interests.

NSA Carroll County FBI Gerald Carroll National Security Case:
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